Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Aso is accessible by train and bus

If you love to travel by train, Kyushu is one good destination that you can enjoy attractive trains. 

Aso is accessible by taking a train at Kumamoto Station. Some of the trains go straight to Aso without transfer; many others need transfer at Higo-otsu but on the same platform. Roughly takes 1.5 hours and costs 1080 yen. Not bad. There's a charming limited express called Kyushu Odan Tokkyu, meaning the Trans-Kyushu Limited Express. Taking 1hour and 13 minutes, the train takes you from Kumamoto to Aso. For this you need extra 900 yen.

There should be bus services taking you to higher places of Mt. Aso. I loved staying at a pension located higher up. Very refreshing. 

Instead of getting off at Aso, you can try Miyaji, six-min-train ride away from Aso. Walk 15 to 20 minutes from the station and you are arriving at Aso Shrine and its neighborhood. Water is good here as is often the case in many parts of Kumamoto. 

Aso Shrine must have originated from mountain worship in ancient times. People felt awesome about explosive Mt. Aso, which has been harsh and generous at the same time. That's how mother nature should be in this country and you naturally feel humble when embraced by this type of surroundings. 

The approach to the shrine does not lead perpendicularly to the shrine buildings but in parallel with the lined up halls. The approach rather looks like leading to Mt. Aso and you will be impressed by the mountain seen from the precincts.

Local kids are often around the shrine, making the area friendly and peaceful. 

On the premises stand some interesting objects such as a wishing stone (you rub it and make a wish), a love pine tree (you and your significant other go around the tree in opposite directions; when you meet you two pray for your eternal love; young couples feel like kissing there), and a scale you can take a measurement of your child's height (my fun loving guests pretended that their mug shots were taken; very funny).

Aso's drinking water and bathing water are both good. You will be cleansed from inside and outside. Good deal, isn't it?

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